Judges: Life Lessons from Gideon

Summary: A message from the book of Judges, which highlights God’s faithfulness to Gideon, who had doubt, hopelessness, and fear.

Scripture: Judges 6

Lesson 1: God often sees us much differently than we see ourselves.
Lesson 2: God doesn’t require us to be full of courage before He is willing to use us.
Lesson 3: Faithfulness to God in the midst of fear is more important than unfaithfulness in the absence of it.
Lesson 4: God is patient in dealing with our weaknesses and the frailty of our faith.

Judges: An Overview of Judges

Summary: Several lessons from the Book of Judges in this quick overview sermon.

Scriptures: Various from Judges

Lesson 1: Judges give us a clear picture of how broken humanity can become when God is rejected.
Lesson 2: Seemingly “small” inconsequential acts of disobedience can lead to “large” disastrous consequences.
Lesson 3: No matter how wicked our lives are, God is willing to forgive us if we cry out to Him in genuine repentance.
Lesson 4: God saves through weakness.
Lesson 5: The “sin cycle” throughout Judges is similar to the cycle we are tempted with in the Christian life.

Life Between 2 Sundays

Summary: A message from Jeff Rempel that highlights the need for continual fellowship, love, and being connected not just on Sunday mornings, but throughout the week. This is great for weekly happiness for yourself and the whole church community.

Scripture: Acts 2:42-47

“Our relationship with each other is the criterion the world uses to judge whether our message is truthful – Christian community is the final apologetic.”

— Francis Schaeffer

Proverbs: Dealing with Anger (Part 2)

Summary: Part 14 in the “Learning to Live Wisely” series from the Book of Proverbs, which covers practical solutions in relation to Anger (Part 2). Part 2/3 on Anger.

Scripture: Proverbs Various

Anger’s Destructive Power:

  1. Impacts Friendships - Proverbs 22:24

  2. Impacts Family - Proverbs 17:1

  3. Impacts Community - Proverbs 29:8

  4. Impacts our Own Health - Proverbs 3:7-8

  5. Impacts our Relationship with God - Ephesians 4:25, 30-31