Luke: Baptized by the Spirit

Summary: The eleventh message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 3:15-20


Lesson 1: As true servants of Jesus Christ we should never seek to draw attention to ourselves, but point only to Him.

Lesson 2: The baptism of the Holy Spirit refers to our initial salvation in Christ.

Lesson 3: The baptism of the Holy Spirit refers to the empowering Christians receive in order to be witnesses for Jesus Christ.

Lesson 4: The gospel of Jesus Christ speaks of Him as not only Saviour, but Judge (John 5:22, 2 Timotny 4:12, Matthew 23:31)

Luke: Lessons From the Life of Anna

Summary: The eighth seventh message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 2:36-38

Lessons from the Message:

Lesson 1: Anna's testimony teaches us that when we face personal tragedy as painful as it is, it can be used to draw us closer to, and not farther away from God

Lesson 2: The Biblical understanding of fasting always involves some form of abstinence from food (complete/partial)

Lesson 3: Fasting is a response of the heart that is "birthed" out of a deep need or concern that drives us to seek God in total humility and dependence for resolution

Lesson 4: The spiritual discipline of fasting means nothing to God when we are not living in obedience to Him (loving God and others)

Lesson 5: Although they are not commanded, the spiritual disciplines of fasting and prayer can be a means cultivating deeper intimacy with God and hearing from Him

Luke: Lessons From the Life of Simeon

Summary: The seventh message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 2:21-35

Lessons from Simeon:

Lesson 1: Our lives should be characterized by a longing for the coming of Jesus knowing what God has in store for us in the future.
Lesson 2: We can trust the Holy Spirit to lead and direct us into encounters that fulfill His purposes.
Lesson 3: As Christians, we need to live with an eternal perspective remembering that our true citizenship lies in heaven.
Lesson 4: We should never forget that Jesus’ offer of salvation is universal.
Lesson 5: There is no neutrality in following Jesus. However, we need to be wise and sensitive in how we present Him to others.

Luke: It's All About Jesus

Summary: The fifth message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 1:57-80

Lesson 1: As followers of Christ, we need to be known as people who celebrate God’s work and blessings in other’s lives.
Lesson 2: As believers, we can expect that there will be times when external pressures from family, friends, and cultural traditions will challenge our allegiance to God.
Lesson 3: When we walk in obedience to the Lord, doors that were once closed often become open and blessing comes to us in surprising ways.
Lesson 4: Being filled with the Holy Spirit empowers one to speak on behalf of God and is a gift that is available to us today.
Lesson 5: The focus of our life and faith is all about Jesus.

Luke: Having a Mary Type of Faith

Summary: The fourth message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 1:39-56

Lesson 1: When filled with the Holy Spirit, God can bring knowledge supernaturally to someone to be used for His purposes.

Lesson 2: God may use you, or other people, to encourage someone.

Lesson 3: As believers, understanding who God is and what He is capable of, can be the catalyst to a strong faith in God.

Lesson 4: As believers, we must seek to praise God when He calls us to walk in His ways. Trials and hardship may accompany the journey.

Luke: Mary's Challenge to Us at Christmas

Summary: The third message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 1:26-38

Lessons from Mary:

Lesson 1: What have you been holding back, that the Lord is now asking you to submit to Him, this Christmas season?

Lesson 2: Will you surrender your will and pray: “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord, may it be done to me according to your will”?

Luke: Turning Our Hearts Towards Jesus

Summary: The second message from the Book of Luke which highlights our response to Jesus’ Gospel.

Scripture: Luke 1:5-25

Lesson 1: When facing personal disappointment, tragedy or suffering, do not let it affect your willingness to remain faithful to God.

Lesson 2: Like John, we need to share a message of repentance with the people in our day knowing Jesus is coming again to judge sin and establish His kingdom.

Lesson 3: Righteous people of good character can still doubt the power of God to act supernaturally within their situations.

Lesson 4: The gospel of Jesus Christ not only cares about the healing and restoration of people in general, but shares a deep concern for the family!

Facing Cruelty From Others (Guest: Dan Jansen)

Summary: A message from Dan Jansen, from our parent church in Calgary, Pineridge House Church, which highlights David’s cry out to God in this memorable Psalm.

Scripture: Psalm 70

Lesson 1: Justice is not an ungodly desire nor is it something God Himself has not or will do in the future (Psalm 70:2-4; Acts 16:37; Numbers 12:14, 2 Corinthians 5:10, Romans 13:1-4).
Lesson 2: Sweeping the cruelty of others under the rug with a smile on our face is to misunderstand God’s justice (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Lesson 3: Regardless of how bad we feel the cruelty of others, meditating on our relationship with God will put things into the right perspective (Psalm 70:4, Job 1,2).
Lesson 4: Jesus paid the ransom penalty for the selfish crimes of all humanity, whereby whoever believes and puts their trust in Him will be forgiven and not face God’s justice (2 Corinthians 5:21).

1 Kings: Elijah - Discovering God's Answer to Depression (Part 1)

Summary: A message (Part 1) from 1 Kings which highlights the stressful situation between the prophet Elijah and Queen Jezebel, and how God worked in Elijah’s life.

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-19:8

Non-Exhaustive Signs of Depression:

  • The desire to isolate ourselves from others.

  • The tenancy to focus on our failures.

  • A fatalistic outlook on life.

God’s Answer in His Situation:

  • The Lord responded in patience and compassion.

  • The Lord took care of the most pressing and immediate need.

1 Kings: Elijah - A Man of Faith at His Finest Hour

Summary: A message from 1 Kings that highlights the showdown between the false prophets of Baal / Asherah and the God of the Bible and Elijah.

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1-40

Lesson 1: God often uses His people in strategic places to further His kingdom purposes.
Lesson 2: Divided allegiance is as wrong as full on idolatry.
Lesson 3: The primary reason God displays Himself in miraculous ways, amongst unbelieving people, is to lead them to repentance and faith.
Lesson 4: Never underestimate what God can do through you when your life is fully dedicated to Him.

1 Kings: Elijah - An Example of Stretched Out Compassion

Summary: A message from 1 Kings where we see the interaction of Elijah and the son of the widow he was staying with. It highlights faith, prayer, and our ultimate hope in the risen Saviour.

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:17-23

Lesson 1: As God’s people, we need to take bold RISKS in praying for others, knowing that nothing is impossible for God.
Lesson 2: It is often in our pain and suffering that we truly come to know who God is.
Lesson 3: The story of the raising of the widow’s son points to the ultimate hope we have in Jesus Christ.

1 Kings: Elijah - Depending on the Faithfulness of God

Summary: A message about the provision of Elijah at Camp Cherith. We see God’s unique and surprising way he met Elijah’s needs, and we can trust God the same way, today.

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-16

Lesson 1: When we seek God’s kingdom, we can depend on Him even in the most dire circumstances, to provide for our needs.
Lesson 2: God often meets our needs in surprising and unconventional ways.
Lesson 3: Times of isolation can be used by God, not only to teach us to depend on Him, but to prepare us for great things in the future.