07 - Judges

Judges: Life Lessons from Gideon

Summary: A message from the book of Judges, which highlights God’s faithfulness to Gideon, who had doubt, hopelessness, and fear.

Scripture: Judges 6

Lesson 1: God often sees us much differently than we see ourselves.
Lesson 2: God doesn’t require us to be full of courage before He is willing to use us.
Lesson 3: Faithfulness to God in the midst of fear is more important than unfaithfulness in the absence of it.
Lesson 4: God is patient in dealing with our weaknesses and the frailty of our faith.

Judges: An Overview of Judges

Summary: Several lessons from the Book of Judges in this quick overview sermon.

Scriptures: Various from Judges

Lesson 1: Judges give us a clear picture of how broken humanity can become when God is rejected.
Lesson 2: Seemingly “small” inconsequential acts of disobedience can lead to “large” disastrous consequences.
Lesson 3: No matter how wicked our lives are, God is willing to forgive us if we cry out to Him in genuine repentance.
Lesson 4: God saves through weakness.
Lesson 5: The “sin cycle” throughout Judges is similar to the cycle we are tempted with in the Christian life.