11 - 1 Kings

1 Kings: Elijah - Discovering God's Answer to Depression (Part 1)

Summary: A message (Part 1) from 1 Kings which highlights the stressful situation between the prophet Elijah and Queen Jezebel, and how God worked in Elijah’s life.

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-19:8

Non-Exhaustive Signs of Depression:

  • The desire to isolate ourselves from others.

  • The tenancy to focus on our failures.

  • A fatalistic outlook on life.

God’s Answer in His Situation:

  • The Lord responded in patience and compassion.

  • The Lord took care of the most pressing and immediate need.

1 Kings: Elijah - A Man of Faith at His Finest Hour

Summary: A message from 1 Kings that highlights the showdown between the false prophets of Baal / Asherah and the God of the Bible and Elijah.

Scripture: 1 Kings 18:1-40

Lesson 1: God often uses His people in strategic places to further His kingdom purposes.
Lesson 2: Divided allegiance is as wrong as full on idolatry.
Lesson 3: The primary reason God displays Himself in miraculous ways, amongst unbelieving people, is to lead them to repentance and faith.
Lesson 4: Never underestimate what God can do through you when your life is fully dedicated to Him.

1 Kings: Elijah - An Example of Stretched Out Compassion

Summary: A message from 1 Kings where we see the interaction of Elijah and the son of the widow he was staying with. It highlights faith, prayer, and our ultimate hope in the risen Saviour.

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:17-23

Lesson 1: As God’s people, we need to take bold RISKS in praying for others, knowing that nothing is impossible for God.
Lesson 2: It is often in our pain and suffering that we truly come to know who God is.
Lesson 3: The story of the raising of the widow’s son points to the ultimate hope we have in Jesus Christ.

1 Kings: Elijah - Depending on the Faithfulness of God

Summary: A message about the provision of Elijah at Camp Cherith. We see God’s unique and surprising way he met Elijah’s needs, and we can trust God the same way, today.

Scripture: 1 Kings 17:1-16

Lesson 1: When we seek God’s kingdom, we can depend on Him even in the most dire circumstances, to provide for our needs.
Lesson 2: God often meets our needs in surprising and unconventional ways.
Lesson 3: Times of isolation can be used by God, not only to teach us to depend on Him, but to prepare us for great things in the future.

What Does It Mean to Be Righteous From God's Standard? (Guest: Peter J. Fast)